Central Sydney Intensive English High School

Harmony and Progress

Telephone61 2 9595 9200


High school transfer and placement

At Central Sydney, our Transition Team meets every term to discuss student progress and decide when a student is ready to transfer to mainstream high school.  The student's length of stay at Central Sydney may also be considered. 

Before our students transfer to their next high schools they visit their future high schools for a week of school experience. This is arranged by a special school placement officer at Central Sydney. During high school experience week, students have the opportunity to learn about their new school, the subjects they will study and meet some of the students and teachers.

A 'buddy' or support student, usually of the same nationality, help our students to settle into their new schools. Teachers from Central Sydney often accompany students to ensure that they are supported and settled in their new schools. The school experience program is very important for the successful transition of our students to high school.